- Any payment is payable to PT Heiland Andalan Indonesia (BCA Ratu Plaza AC No 5250398800) or online payment though this website.
- In the case of transfer payment, registration will be validated through submission of valid transfer proof to WA +62811805434 atau email ask@heilandsolutions.com
- Any payment that has been made cannot be returned/refunded in any circumstances (with one exception, refer to point 4 below)
- We will do our best to ensure that every scheduled class will run as it is planned. But if the minimum number of participants is not met, regretfully we will cancel the class. In this case, any payment that has been made will be returned/refunded.
- Konsep IAAA dalam Keamanan Fisik
- Pentingnya Penerapan CPTED dalam Pembangunan Fasilitas
- Pendekatan Komprehensif dalam Pengendalian Massa pada Acara Sepak Bola: Menghadirkan Keamanan dan Keselamatan yang Optimal
- Ilusi Kompetensi dalam Bidang Keamanan: Mengenal, Menghadapi, dan Mencegahnya
- Menjamin Keamanan Kampus: Pentingnya Security Risk Assessment (Physical dan Cyber) di Lingkungan Kampus dan Perumahan Kampus